Verein der Original Ragdoll

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Breeding Regulations


Association of the Original-Ragdoll
Breeding Regulations
accepted on March 27, 2010

1. Purpose and Scope
Every owner's and breeder's first and foremost priority must be the health and wellbeing of every single animal. A responsible breeding program is based on genetic principles. Every precaution has to be taken to avoid illnesses, and a loving environment for the animals has to be provided. Health and breeding details have to be carefully documented. With these Breeding Regulations, the Association of
the Original-Ragdoll (VdOR) intends to promote the Original-Ragdoll and improve the breed's type, health and purity. Every breeder who is member of the VdOR is obligated to adhere to these regulations.

2. Definitions
Every breeder who is member of the VdOR is obligated to have a cattery name and has to register all its litters. All kittens born into this cattery will carry the cattery name either before or after their first names. The placement of the cattery name, either before or after the first name, can be chosen. The first names will be chosen based on the alphabetical order and the number of litter: 1st litter – names start with A; 2nd litter – names start with B; 3rd litter – names start with C, etc.

Cattery names will have to be registered with the VdOR, which in turn will register them with the protection agency for cattery names.

Breeders can only use animals in their breeding program that are registered by the VdOR or other recognized organizations (e.g. FIFé). The owner has to be a member of the VdOR. Dual memberships with other associations are acceptable. While the VdOR is not organizing any shows, it does accept the results of shows organized by other recognized associations. Breeders have to be members of the VdOR and need to obtain a registered cattery name.

Special considerations for members who breed the Ragdoll with new colors:
• they must apply for a separate cattery name for these Ragdolls;
• stud must be an Original-Ragdoll. No male cats can be kept that carry a new color
or show or have the new colors in their bloodline;
• original females must be DNA typed;
• all kittens sold for breeding purposes must have their pedigree verified, must have
a chip and be registered.

Definition Original: An Original-Ragdoll is a cat, whose ancestors can all be traced through Denny Dayton's database or genetics card. There are no exceptions.

3. Number of Animals
A breeder can have a maximum of 20 breeder cats per household.

4. Identification
Starting 1/1/08, all breeder cats need to able to be identified. They need to carry the transponding chip and be DNA typed. The chip code has to be noted in the family tree. Exceptions are made for studs that are not registered with the VdOR. A copy of the DNA typification has to be sent to the breed book office for filing or future verification purposes.

5. Miscellaneous
A cat born with abnormalities (e.g. kinks) cannot be used in a breeding program or sold as a breeding

6. Cats Not to Be Used for Breeding purposes
• deaf, white cats
• cats with visible umbilical hernia
• cats without whiskers

7. Genetical Illnesses and Tests
Cats that are suspected of carrying genetic diseases, which fit any of the below-listed criteria, should be tested.
• illness that may lead to death or may cause any chronic suffering
• illness that could be carried by a significant number of cats within a breed
• reliable tests exist and potential illnesses can be prevented
Every breeder who may have affected breeder cats should establish a program for his breeding program, including when and under what circumstances such tests should be conducted.
If the VdOR is notified of any genetic tests, color-gene tests and/or show results (with certificate), a notation is made to the bloodline of the affected animal.

8. Studs
8.1 Keeping Studs
If studs are kept in separate rooms, they have to be able to satisfy their natural needs (e.g. spontaneous climbing or running, etc). If they are integrated with females that potentially are in heat, the breeder has to develop a program that prevents or avoids unwanted pregnancies as much as possible.
8.2 Reproduction
It is the breeder's choice whether to offer his stud to other breeders for mating purposes. Cryptorchids or monorchids cannot be used for breeding purposes.

9. Breeder Cats
9.1 Animal Husbandry (incl. spayed or neutered cats)
Breeder cats are to kept so that they are able to satisfy their natural needs (e.g. spontaneous running, climbing, hiding, etc). If possible, a separate, quiet room should be made available for pregnant felines and later dams and their offspring during the last weeks of their pregnancy and the first few weeks after the birth. Dams should have the possibility to have their own space if they choose to withdraw for a
while. Cages are not allowed.

9.2 Reproduction
Breeder cats have to be healthy and in good condition and be kept free of parasites (endo- and ectoparasites) and mycosis. To ensure a healthy and strong offspring, cats should only be mated after they reach 11 month of age. If a female cat is mated too early, the owner has to notify the VdOR immediately. It is in the female cat's interest that in such cases she is not mated anymore until after she reaches 19 months of age. In cases where a queen has had more than 3 litters within 24 months, that cat cannot be mated again for one year. In cases where a queen has had three caesarean sections, that feline cannot be used for breeding purposes again.

10. Breeding Rules
Original Ragdolls need to have a controlled pedigree. New members of the VdOR need to send copies of their breeder cats' bloodlines to the keeper of the breeding book. In cases where one of the ancestors was not an Original Ragdoll, the breeder has to immediately apply for a second cattery name (see Paragraph 2 under “Special Considerations“). If a VdOR member buys a non-original female cat, the same rule applies, and the keeper of the breeding book has to be immediately notified.

To clarify uncertainties about registering the correct color, the breeder/owner has to option to test the Ragdoll's color-gene.

If two mating cats belong to two different individuals, each owner has the right to obtain a veterinarian's certificate for the other cat. The stud has to be a verified Original Ragdoll stud. Recommendation: Whenever you plan on purchasing a Ragdoll, have the bloodline of that Ragdoll's parents checked before the purchase is complete. If uncertain, the bloodline documents can be forwarded to the keeper of the breeding book for verification; and per request, an authentication certificate will be issued for a cost of Sfr. 8.00.

Further, for every purchased Ragdoll, a copy of the bloodline has to be sent to the official bloodline office (Stammbaumsekretariat) within 1 week of purchase. If the purchased animal does not have a bloodline document yet, a copy of the bloodline of its parents has to be sent to the official bloodline office.

11. Mating Fees
The owners of the cats to be mated negotiate the mating fees. Food and care for 3 to 5 days should be included in the fee. Additional costs may be billed to the owner of the queen separately. To avoid any misunderstandings, the VdOR recommends to put any negotiated agreements in writing before the mating begins.
11.1 Rights of the Stud Owner
The mating fee and additional costs are to be paid by the owner of the queen when the queen is picked up from the stud owner. The stud owner has the right to issue the mating certificate after receiving payment of the mating fees any possible additional costs.
11.2 Rights of the Queen Owner
If the owner of the queen determines that the queen is not pregnant, he or she needs to notify the stud owner within 65 days of the date on the mating certificate. The stud owner is then obligated to take the queen for a second time without being paid. Or the stud owner can reimburse the mating fee (with possible additional cost) to the owner of the queen. If after the second stay the queen is still not pregnant, the queen owner has no further rights from the stud owner. That queen cannot be mated again
for at least three weeks, and thereafter only with another stud.

12. Notifications of Litters and Bloodlines
12.1 Litters have to be announced within 4 weeks of birth. That notification needs to include the mating certificate.
12.2 The application for the bloodline documentation has to be sent within four months of birth of a kitten. Bloodline documents are issued only after payment is received. Changes to already issued bloodlines are handled as new applications. Changes made to bloodline documents by individual owners are not accepted.
12.3 Notifications of championship title favorites have to include the certificate, and a note will be added to the bloodline for the next generation, or to the reapplication for bloodline documentation for that particular animal (if the “old“ bloodline documents are returned). If a title is achieved, a championship certificate will be issued and sent for a cost of Sfr 5.00.

The bloodline is a birth certificate that every prue-bred cat is entitled to. It is recommended to send the bloodline and transfer documents of the new owner together to avoid additional transfer costs.

13. Inbreeding
The back crossing with grandfather and grandmother is allowed. The mating of half siblings is only allowed if it can be proven that both parents have a partially different blood line. A queen can be mated with her father or her son, if either cat's other parents have a different blood line. The offspring from such a mating cannot be back-crossed with either of the parent animals. The official bloodline office (Stammbaumsekretariat) has the right to add a note into the record of the affected
animal stating that no mating of closely-related animals should occur (“nur fuer Fremdverpaarung“).

The mating of siblings is prohibited. There have to be at least 10 different cats in the first three generations of ancestors. Wherever this is not the case the official bloodline office (Stammbaumsekretariat) has the right to add a note into the records of the affected animals stating that no mating of closely-related animals should occur (“nur fuer Fremdverpaarung“).

14. Giveaway of Cats
14.1 Agreements
To avoid miscommunication, all agreements or restrictive conditions between seller and buyer should be put into writing.
14.2 Prohibited Drop-off Locations
The drop off of cats in pet stores or research labs are prohibited.
14.3 Giveway of Progeny
A breeder can wean kittens from their mothers only after the following requirements are met:
- kittens are at least 3 months old
- kittens are in good health
- kittens are in good condition
- kittens had basic immunizations (two shots for cat flu and feline panleukopenia); except when the veterinarian recommends different treatments, in which case, a written note from the veterinarian is requried.

The breeder hands over the immunization card, bloodline documentation and any documentation regarding the transponding chip along with the animal. If the bloodline documentation is not yet issued, the breeder has to forward it to the new owner upon receipt. The transfer happens according to Paragraph 4 of the statutes. It is not allowed for breeders to sell cats without bloodline documentation.

14.4 Public Sale
The offering of cats for sale in public places is prohibited. For example, cats are not to be sold in pet stores, through internet auctions or on shows.

15. Show Rules
Championship and Title Rules.
Option 1: National and international points
Option 2: Points are accumulated only domestically
If the international point system is applied, the simple point rules apply. The point system is:


















Int. Champion/Int. Premior







Gr.Int. Champion/Gr. Int. Premior







Euro Champion / Euro Premior







Gr. Euro Champion / Gr. Euro







Intercontinental Champion
Intercontinental Premior








16. Disciplinary Action
Any violation against these breeding regulations result in an immediate expulsion from the VdOR. Obvious cover up of illnesses and intentional misleading of a buyer result in an immediate expulsion
from the VdOR.

17. Fee Regulation


Active Memberships

Sfr. 40.00 per year


– Breeder incl. access to the genetic card

Passive Memberships

Sfr. 20.00 per year


- fostering members


Sfr. 25.00

Transfer Fee

Sfr. 8.00

Cattery Name Registration

Sfr. 30.00


Sfr. 8.00

Title Issuance

Sfr. 8.00


can be ordered upon request

Pedigree Verification

Sfr. 20.00 in advance if ordered by a member of the board of an
association or interest group

Pedigree Verification

free for individuals

"Translated by Karin Heger, Edited by Susan Wenck"

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