Verein der Original Ragdoll

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Looking for Pedigrees!

"Translated by Karin Heger, Edited by Susan Wenck"

To all Ragdoll breeders (current or past): Please help!

We are actively working to collect pedigrees in order to provide complete traceability of our Original-Ragdoll, and we need your help.

The most important tool for Original-Ragdoll breeding is the pedigree database (aka genetic card). Without this data, the traceability of a particular cat would be impossible.
The Original Ragdoll database, which was created and manually maintained by Denny Dayton until 1994, was the only one in the world for breeding. That database is the basis today for all Original Ragdolls. Today, the VdOR pedigree database consists of approximately 6,000 Original-Ragdolls.

The data, however, is not complete as some breeders of the Original-Ragdoll did not always register their animals. Because there are some names missing, it is very difficult to accurately trace the lineage of some animals back to their ancestors.

Whether a Ragdoll is actively used in a breeding program, or just kept as a pet (including neutered or spayed animals), or a deceased animal,
every pedigree is important in order to fill those traceability gaps. Even pedigrees of Ragdolls that are no longer Original-Ragdolls are important. Someone may researching information about the grandmother that may have been an Original-Ragdoll.

Please send us copies of pedigrees of all your breeding cats and their progeny as well as for Ragdolls that are no longer being used for breeding purposes. It is important that we can continue to work on this database that started over 40 years ago. The Ragdoll is the only cat breed that can be traced back to the very first animals that 'created' the breed.

We are currently researching twenty-one cats (see list below). Some of the listed animals are older Ragdolls. Their pedigree is just as important as the pedigree for younger animals. All pedigrees are important, including the pedigree of your Ragdoll!

This notice goes out to breeders who care for the Original-Ragdoll breed. The more complete the database, the more Ragdolls could be part of the Original-Ragdoll breeding program. This call for help also goes out to Ragdoll owners that don't use their animals for breeding purposes, but keep them as loving pets. Because the pedigree lists an animal's breeding parents, it is important to include that information as well. On our genetic card, the following information is registered: Name, color, type and date of birth. Here is our email address.

Hopefully we have encouraged you to register your pedigree Ragdoll and certainly appreciate your contribution!

The VdOR Team: Silvia Klaus and Tina Roellin

found - Original Ragdoll

Ragnarok's Miss Meow

found - Original Ragdol

Ragnarok's Missy Meow

found - Original Ragdoll

Jabooti Little Jewel


Baby Dolls Gypsy Rose


Purple Heather Gizmo

found - not Original Ragdoll

Farandoll Elegant Answer


Carolcollections Landship

found - not Original Ragdoll

Reddoor Ice Cream Blonde

found - Original Ragdol

Nishikiland Adam

found - not Original Ragdoll

Oaks Bebe

found - not Original Ragdoll

Cattery Hiroyo Allen

found - not Original Ragdoll

Hmamatsu Hause Mizukins Martha

found - not Original Ragdoll

Hmamatsu Rainbow Cattery's Kitty


Carolcollection's Earthquak


Carolcollection's Graziella


Carolcollection's Qualiti


Pitterpaws Danny Boy


Pitterpaws Kaede


Pitterpaws Marissa


Morefarm Love


Laladoll Giselle


Westcoastrags Cole


Dazzledolls Saydi

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